Österreichische Albert |
Schweitzer Gesellschaft |
Tätigkeitsberichte Griechenland - Reports of Activities Greece
Event at Cyprus, October 10th, 2013
von Baron Tonis Breidel-Hadjidemetriou
In October 2013 the OeASG Delegate Baron Breidel presented the work executed by the OeASG worlwide in an event held in Nicosia, Cyprus. The event took place at the Physiotherapy and Recovery Center “Saint John Lampadistis” at the Municipality of Aglantzia. It was held in order to honour the volunteers of COSMOS RHEUMA PLUS Association for Recovery of Muscular-Skeletal Disorders. The President of “Cosmos Rheuma Plus” organisation, Vice President of the Cyprus Physiotherapist Association and Director General of the “Saint John Lampadistis” Physiotherapy and Recovery Center, Mr. Costas Ioulianos, was presented with the Gold Metal of Honor, Mr. Andri Ioulianos, Member of the Bord of “Cosmos Rheuma Plus” and Vice Director of “Saint John Lampadistis” was presented with the Silver Metal of Honour and Mr. Leandros Iakovou, Physiotherapist, Treasurer of “Cosmos Rheuma Plus”, was presented with the Bronze Metal of Honour. The event with gerat attendance was honoured by the Mayor of the Municipality of Aglantzia, Mr. Costas Kortas.
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The OeASG Delegate Baron Breidel adresses the guests. | With the honorees: Mr. Costas Ioulianos, Mrs. Andri Ioulianos, Mr. Leandros Iakovou. |
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Mr. Michalis Demosthenous, Personel and Financial Directror of “Saint John Lampadistis” Center makes the presentations. |
The OeASG Delegate with the Directors of the “Saint John Lampadistis” Physiotherapy and Recovery Center and OeASG honorees Cosntas and Andri ioulianos and the Mayor of Aglantzia Mr. Costas Kortas |
Female members of the personel of the Center. |
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Male members of the personal of the Centre. | The honorees physiotherapists Mr. Leandros Iakovoy and Mrs. Andri Ioulianos with the Mayor of Aglantzia, Mr. Costas Kortas |
Erfolgreiche Blutspende-Aktion in Athen 2009 und 2010
von Jörg C. Steiner
Bereits zum drittenmal seit September 2009 konnten die Freunde der ÖASG in Griechenland eine Blutspendeaktion in der Blutbank von Athen organisieren. Im Gegensatz zu Österreich oder zum Beispiel auch Deutschland gibt es in Griechenland kein organisiertes Blutspendewesen auf ehrenamtlicher Basis. Durch den engagierten Einsatz unserer Freunde, allen voran der Militärartz Konstantinos Papoutsis, wurde dies nun ermöglicht. Diese, auch in der Presse mehrfach erwähnten Aktionen, sollen auch in den kommenden Jahren fortgesetzt werden.
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Die Plakate der einzelnen Aktionen:
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Jubilee Dinner at Lutraki, September 5th, 2009
von Baron Tonis Breidel-Hadjidemetriou
September 5th, 2009 a Gala event of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer
Organization (Österreichische Albert Schweitzer Gesellschaft - ÖASG)
was held by the ÖASG Delegation for Greece at the spa town Lutraki at
the shore of the Golf of Corinth. At the invitation of Baron Tonis
Breidel Hadjidemetriou, ÖASG Delegate for Greece, the honourable
Secretary General of the ÖASG, Mr. Jörg C. Steiner attended this Gala,
to be the first major event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the
foundation of the ÖASG.
In the luxurious salons of Loutraki Palace Hotel, a historical hotel of Belle Epoque style, this housed the first casino of Greece in 1923. It was a two days event, in which almost all of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Greek Volunteers participated. The Protocol was "en ordre aristocratic" and reminded old times. The Secretary General, Mr. Jörg C. Steiner decorated 22 members of the Greek Delegation with the special Jubilee Medal of the 25th Foundation of the ÖASG. Further 14 ladies and gentlemen were decorated with various Medals and Decorations of the ÖASG for their contribution to the aims of this worldwide humanitarian organisation. Among the present were the former Prime Minister of Greece and Honorary President of the Hellenic Supreme Court of Justice, H.E.Mr. Ioannis Grivas, who is also the Honorary President of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Greek Volunteers, and Mrs Eleni Hadjiandreou, Vice President of the Hellenic Association of the United Nations Organisation. The Greek Delegate, Baron Breidel Hadjidemetriou, expressed his thanks to Herr Jörg C. Steiner, who responded to his invitation to come to Greece and preside over the Jubilee gala event of the Greek Delegation. Mr. Steiner in his speech explained the organisation and the operational plan of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Organisation and thanked the Greek Volunteers for their generous contribution. |
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The Loutraki Palace Hotel combines vintage flair ... |
... with all modern luxury. |
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Mr. Panagiotis Rizopoulos, representative of the Archbishop of Khartoum and all Sudan of the Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa, hands over to the Delegat of Greece the written greetings of His Eminence and expression of gratitude for the donation of the Greek Delegation to his episcopal See. |
Three beautiful lady members of hte Greek Delegation. |
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Happy couples Kottis, Paterakis, Andriopoulos and Stathakopoulos. |
Captain Konstantinos Papoutsis from the medical service of the Army. |
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Generalsekretär Steiner, President Grivas and Delegate Baron Breidel among all members of the Greek Delegation decorated with the Golden Star of Honour. |
Mr. Bisylas and Mr. Giokaris from Greece with Mrs. Del Tronco from Spain and Mrs. Pecinar from Serbia. |
Reception of His Eminence the Archbishop of Pringiponessa, October 10th, 2008
von Baron Tonis Breidel-Hadjidemetriou
His Eminence Iakovos, Metropolitan (Archbishop) of Prince Islands (Pringiponessa in Greek) of the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, received a warm welcome from the ÖASG Greek Delegation and the "Austrian Albert Schweitzer Greek Volunteers" at the St. George Lycabettus Hotel, situated at the privileged quarter of Kolonaki in Athens. H.Em. Metropolitan Iakovos was invited by the Delegate for Greece, Baron Breidel, as an honorary guest to attend an official dinner of the Greek Delegation and in order to present his book entitled "Three Historical Churches of Constantinople". At his welcome speech, the Delegate for Greece, Baron Tonis Breidel Hadjidemetriou, praised the charitable work of Metropolitan Iakovos in his Episcopal See, which consists of six small islands in Bosporus. His Eminence, a prominent hierarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople was honoured for his humanitarian efforts, with the ÖASG Cross Decoration of Honour.
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Reception of His Eminence Metropolitan Iakovos of Prince Islands by the Delegate for Greece, Baron Tonis Breidel Hadjidemetriou |
The members of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Society Greek Volunteers receives His Eminence Iakovos standing out of respect. |
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A toast with a 'coup de champagne' in honour of Metropolitan Iakovos, among the host, H.E. Baron Breidel and Mr. Panagiotis Rizopoulos, aid of His Eminence. |
Metropolitan Iakovos being awarded the ÖASG Cross Decoration of Honour. |
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The decorated Metropolitan Iakovos delivers a speech to the audience, and praises the work of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Organization. |
Soirée in Athens, May 31st, 2008
von Baron Tonis Breidel-Hadjidemetriou
At the invitation of the Delegate for Greece, Baron Tonis Breidel Hadjidemetriou, around 100 persons were gathered for a Soirée at the ATHENS PLAZA Hotel in the centre of Athens, just opposite the building of the Hellenic Parliament. Among the representatives of various organizations and associations, the presence of the Ambassadors of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and the Emirate of Qatar, as well as the Charge d' Affaires of the Republic of Cyprus was notable. The Austrian Ambassador to Greece, Dr. Michael Linhart, being unable to attend due to his absence from the country, sent an elegant letter to the Delegate for Greece saying among others: "I take the opportunity to wish you great success in the future achievements of the Greek Delegation of the Austrian Humanitarian Organization Albert Schweitzer".
Speaker of the evening was the Honorable Mrs. Katerina Papakosta MP, a distinguished Member of the Hellenic Parliament of the government party of New Democracy, her speech entitled "Helping the needy through Voluntary Service". Mrs. Papakosta is well known to the Greek public through her involvement in many humanitarian and charity activities. Among her various engagements in Greek society and politics is worthy to be mentioned as the Secretary General for Women Affairs of New Democracy Party and Vice-President of the Women Organizations of the European Union's main political group, the European Popular Party (EPU). In the frame of the event, the presentation of a unique exhibition of art of the Greek artist, Mr. Nikos Bisylas, took place, under the title "Olympic Year 2008 - The Circles of Nations" as a symbol of worldwide peace and in honor the Olympic Games of Peking 2008. The ÖASG-Greek Delegation initiated an informal body composed of the Greek recipients of various honors bestowed upon them by the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Organization, called the "AUSTRIAN ALBERT SCHWEITZER GREEK VOLUNTEERS". As a sign of prestige, His Excellency Mr. Ioannis Grivas, former Prime Minister of Greece and also Honorary President of the Hellenic Supreme Court of Justice was appointed Honorary President of the "Austrian Albert Schweitzer Greek Volunteers", a position he gladly accepted.
Baron Breidel announced the support of the Greek Delegation to the "Tout-Doux Bonheur" Association based in Alencon, France, promoting communication between healthy children and hospitalized children suffering of cancer through a puppet called "Kignia", meaning "Happiness" in the Congolese language. When a puppet is bought by a healthy child its twin is sent through the association to a hospitalized child, promoting thus a correspondence between them. The Greek Delegation offered its support to this humanitarian idea by purchasing and sending a number of "Kignia" puppets to children hospitalized with cancer or other serious diseases in Senegal. In the continuation, thirteen (13) persons were honored with various decorations and medals of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Organization for their outstanding service in social, medical and welfare matters giving thus an example to others to follow their steps. Through the kind sponsorship of Mr. Nikos Bisylas' works of art, the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Greek Volunteers, were able to collect at that night the sum of 1.800,- EUR for their humanitarian projects: From that amount the following were given to: a) 250,- EUR for the purchase of 10 + 10 Kignia puppets from the Tout-Doux Association to be sent to hospitalized children in Senegal; b) 1.260,- EUR (=100,000 Serbian Dinars) to the University of Belgrade as a scholarship for one year for one student. The event was concluded with a large buffet, music and dance until the morning hours.
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The ÖASG Delegate for Greece, Tonis Breidel Hadjidemetriou with former Prime Minister of Greece and Honorary President of the Hellenic Supreme Court of Justice, H.E. Mr. Ioannis Grivas, who was appointed Honorary President of the "Austrian Albert Schweitzer Greek Volunteers" | The distinguished publisher, Mrs Eleni Hadjiandreou, Vice President of the Hellenic Association of the United Nations, with H.E. Mr. Ioannis Grivas, posing with their ÖASG decorations. |
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The Greek Delegate, Baron Breidel, decorating Mrs Katerina Papakosta, MP, with the Gold Medal of Honor. | Mag. Aleksandra Pecinar, acting as a Liaison between the ÖASG-Greek Delegation and Serbian organizations. | Mrs. Maria del Carmen Perez Garcia y del Tronco, Señora de Xacón, Charge for the formation of the ÖASG Spanish Delegation. |
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Baron Breidel, with the Ambassador of Ethiopia, H.E. Dr. Dr. Mengistu Hulluka Deyas | Baron Breidel, with the Ambassador of Qatar, H.E. Mr. Hammad al Misnad |
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Greek artist Mr. Nikos Bisylas, sponsor of the event, presenting his unique exhibition of art, entitled "Olympic Year 2008 - The Circles of the Nations". Each one of the 5 works of art is representing one of the 5 continents. |
Madame Sylvie Carlier, representing the French Association "Tout-Doux Boneur" showing the puppet Kignia and explaining its humanitarian purpose for children with cancer. The Greek Delegation assisted this humanitarian project by ordering a number of "Kignia", to be sent to hospitalized children in Senegal |
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Mr. Nikolaos Andriopoulos, a recipient of the Decoration of the Golden Star of Honour. | A general view of the dinner. |
Lecture and Dinner in Athens, March 28th, 2008
von Baron Tonis Breidel-Hadjidemetriou
Delegate for Greece, of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Organization (ÖASG),
Baron Tonis Breidel Hadjidemetriou, presided over an official black tie
suit dinner, during which he held a lecture entitled: "The
Missionary of Love Dr. Albert Schweitzer, philosopher, doctor of
medicine, humanist, and Nobel Prize winner".
This first event in Greece of the e dinner was attended by more than eighty (80) persons coming from the three major cities of Greece (Athens, Thessalonica and Patras), from Madrid, Spain and Belgrade, Serbia, all dressed in etiquette. In the course of his lecture Baron Breidel presented the milestones in the biography, career and achievements of Dr. Albert Schweitzer and stressed his ethical code of Reverence for Life. Afterwards he explained the work carried out by the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Organization around the globe in the service of the needy. He also presented the quarterly magazine issued by the Secretariat General of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Organization in Vienna and the special leaflet in colour issued by the Greek Delegation, which was distributed to all attendees. Additionally the contributions of the Greek Volunteers made to the mother organization in Vienna support the educational program for scholarships of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Organization. After the lecture Baron Breidel invested twenty seven (27) meritorious persons with medals and decorations of various ranks of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Organization, the awardees coming from various fields of life, such as business, economy, medicine, military, education, journalism, public service and law. |
Baron Tonis Breidel, Delegate for Greece, presents the quarterly magazine issued by the Secretariat General at Vienna. |
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A view of the guests attending the dinner. | Baron Breidel delivering his speech about the life and deeds of Africa humanist Dr. Albert Schweitzer. |
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Journalist Panagiotis Rizopoulos, from Greece, receiving the Grand Decoration of the ÖASG. | Maria del Carmen Perez Garcia y del Tronco, Señora de Xacón, from Spain, receiving the ÖASG Grand Decoration lady's class. |